Ready to Work for Yourself & Make Extra Income With Your Own Music??

Now YOU can have the secrets to starting out in the music business or creating a music website that is, potentially worth $50,000.00 to $100,000.00 per year...
Are you beginning to see that this 'simple eBook' layout will walk you chapter by chapter through the entire process, so you can start guiding your music career to success -- in just minutes!
Could you use an extra $1,000 a month by simply clicking the button on your mouse? This is easy and yet most people I know have no clue how it works!
With "The Amazing Music Formula", you can do MUCH MORE than start a business worth $100,000...or more per year...
... You can use the information to gain ridiculous amounts of traffic to expose your musical talents to A&R reps or to Recording Companies to get signed!
Imagine how your fan base and popularity will grow when you place these simple yet powerful techniques in place!
PLUS -- imagine taking your music promotions one step further.... And selling "1,000's of CD's, lyrics or beats" while you sleep at night... remember the internet is a 24/7 never sleeps.
You'll Learn...
Get targeted traffic to your website using this easy technique! This works and is GUARANTEED to bring visitors in massive volumes!
One of the hardest things you will encounter as an artist or producer is getting some RADIO play. Relax...I give you 5 sure fire ways that work!
Bet you didn't know that you don't have to have thousands of dollars or even be signed to get yourself or your group advertised on MTV.
What is the use of having a website if it is getting no traffic. No traffic means no money or little money.
Got a hot song? Great Lyrics or a killer artist? Find out with pinpoint accuracy where to take them for a 50% better chance of getting picked up!
If you've been looking for techniques on internet music promotion and marketing, you've came to the right place.
You've probably searched all throughout the Internet trying to understand some hieroglyphic words that never made any sense to you. I will briefly decode most of the confusing information that was disclosed to you in the past.
Online music promotion can be very simple however, at the same time very complicated for many. Very commonly, a person will begin to promote their music online, receive nothing, and give up.
In order to be successful in anything, you want to become an expert at finishing every last project you begin. Here are some tips on how to launch your music business effectively and finish strong.
Why the Internet
The Internet is becoming one of the most popular sources for income, however, many people do not trust Internet because it's also a popular source for scams also. I'm living proof that you can really make money right from your computer.
Nowadays you can post a video on any popular website and become famous the next day from it. If you can type, read, and click a mouse pretty well, you should not have a problem marketing yourself through the Internet.
Social Networks
I know of many artists who promote music online but often stick to one MySpace, Facebook, Imeem, and YouTube page.
My scenario is, if I were to sell CDs on one street corner for 10 hours a day, I may make some decent money. But if I were to get 10 people to sell CDs on the street corner for one hour a day, I will get more exposure, more leverage, and chances are, they'll end up selling longer than one hour if I'm paying them for as many as they sold. You want to apply the same concept to the Internet.
Less video, less webpages, less blogs, and less music posting will bring you less money, period.
The first thing you want to do is build as many social network pages as you can find, literally. This may seem like common sense but you need maximum exposure for all of your videos, banners, webpages, and music.
Another technique that will definitely get your business launching huge is offering your fans of percentage of the sales they bring you from promoting your music on their page. If you don't read your MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, and Imeem messages, you need to start immediately.
When the fan is passionate about your music and feel it not robbery to send you a message to tell you how much they like it, they will more than likely be willing to promote it for you in exchange for pay. Ask them to add your songs to their page, your banners, and videos. Once again, this will bring you maximum exposure.
Extra Tips
A secret that many music promoters do not know about it is, key phrase research. If you go into, type in "free word tracker," and go to the free word tracker page, you can type in a broad phrase and word tracker will break the phrase down for you into longer tailed keywords that you can capitalize on and name your videos, music titles, and blogs.
Word tracker will tell you how many searches it gets a day and from there, take that key phrase that everyone is searching for and put it on your webpage every 100 words, put it in your video tags, description, and file names. Regardless of everything you've heard in the past, if you want to promote music online effectively, key phrase research is one of the main keys.
If you want people to take you really seriously, you'll need a professional website for your online music promotion. This is going to be your website that you direct your social network fan pages to. You want to put your website or websites on each and every social network page because you increase the ranking of your website in the search engines when people search for your genre of music.
If you don't know how to make a website, is a great place to start because you don't need to know anything technical. If you don't want to learn Wordpress & you have money to spare, have someone create a website for you.
Why settle for a job and a boss like everybody else when pursuing music is really what you want? Most people get nowhere close to their industry dreams, even knowing most of this information. This is mainly due to a lack of confidence, ambition, and motives more so than a lack of information!